
Although it’s true, the world around us differs,

there are those that like to believe it,

that we as Chassidim are far removed,

from “reality” as they conceive it.

Without movies, sports and television,

we are considered ancient and old fashioned,

no magazines, and no trashy novels,

where is our life, our passion?

We look so strange and foriegn to them,

dressed in “Chassidic garb” with full beards.

Different customs and ideology,

we’re definitely what they’d call “weird.”

Some think we’re out of touch with reality,

that we live in another world.

But if you look beyond the surface,

I ask you, are we the ones that are absurd?

What gauge is used to measure success?

Is it the number of people who know your name?

Or how much you have in the bank?

It seems it depends on money, honor and fame.

It’s the rich and famous who are adored.

They’re at the top of modern society,

Involved in entertainment fashion, and sports.

let’s look closer and see “is this reality?

Actors and actresses are paid for just that,

to act, to pretend, to get the most views,

they become something that they are not.

They create an image of something untrue.

Fashion is all about looking so pretty,

new clothes and accessories every season.

What’s in style today is out tomorrow,

there is no real purpose or reason.

It’s all about the outer appearance,

The models need to look just right.

Their inner beauty doesn’t matter at all,

just as long as their clothes fit tight.

Although each fan wants his team to win,

sports is what it claims to be, it’s just play,

because by the time next year comes along,

It really won’t matter who won today.

These are staples of the secular culture,

this isn’t real, it’s a false existence.

Which is why I feel so fortunate,

that as Chassidim we keep our distance.

Ashreinu, that we know and understand,

We have a reality which is much more real.

G-dliness is the ultimate truth,

even if it’s not something you can touch or feel.

Our job is to focus on spreading Torah,

making the world a place of morality.

We can make it brighter one step at a time,

and bring Moshiach into REALITY!

(written January 2007)


Leah said...

I like your site Pesha Leah! Keep it up!

Love, Leah

Anonymous said...

this is exactly how i feel! Pesha Leah, you were so smart!