I Used to Dream, But Now I Know
As a child…
I used to dream I was a princess in a palace so grand
That my very own father was king of the entire land
Even if I could not see my father all the time
I knew that everything was forever good and fine
As an adult…
I realize as Bnos Yisroel we are all princesses, its true
Our Father is The King of all Kings, Hakadosh Baruch Hu
Even though we can’t see Him and He seems far away,
I know He watches over and cares for us night and day
I dreamt that…
The girls of the town would sometimes laugh at me
Because I looked and acted so differently
I knew that as a princess I was above the rest
The king expects his children to be the very best
I realize now…
The rest of the world thinks we are strange and bizarre
Our lifestyle is different from theirs, by far
But as Bnos Melech we know we must strive higher
Every mitzvah that we do fulfills Hashem’s desires
I dreamt that…
It was hard to be different, yet inside I knew
That royalty had to be reflected in all that I do
“That’s the king’s daughter” people would say aloud
And all I really wanted was to make my father proud
I realize now…
It is hard to be different, yet we all know what is right
That Tznius in thought speech and action, makes the world more bright
It should be obvious to others that we are daughters of Hashem
Kol kevudah bas melech penimah, we are different from them!
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