The power of Esther

Purim comes round, and I always wonder why,

They call it Megillas Esther, and not Mordechai?

They both stood up for what they believed,

And they both asked others to follow their lead.

What makes it Esther’s story more than his?

And what lesson for us, can be found in this?

The Rebbe explains, as woman we have a unique role.

This is emphasizing our extraordinary potential

Just as Esther gave up everything, to save her brothers

Every detail that we do, affects countless others

Therefore, this shalcoh manos is different then the norm,

Because it incorporates Mitzvos which women perform.

Three special Mitzvos, “Hachein” given to utilize our grace,

Which affect not just our families, but the entire Jewish race.

You have the power to make the whole world bright,

Is the message of the flames we kindle Friday night.

Challah teaches, it’s important to supervise what’s taken inside.

Thus, only positive “kosher” nourishment, is what we provide

Taharas Hamishpacha, generates the ultimate in sanctity,

Bringing beauty and Kedusha into the home and family.

These three special mitzvos are like vessels we create.

For brachos of children, sustenance and health to permeate.

This Purim let’s learn from Esther about our unique role,

The incredible strength of women and the essence of our soul.

It’s through our actions that so many brachos come through.

Happy Purim, I wish all the above blessings are bestowed upon you.

(I included 2 tea light holders, a Challah, a make-up product and a mini grape juice)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish I could see u on Purim and read your beautiful poem. It's a fun holiday and gets us ready for what we are going to celebrate. In 4 weeks will read the story of
Mitzis Mitriam and excepting our perestious Torah which we will forever learn.