At the kinus hashluchos,
Just a few weeks ago,
I kept seeing you.
Your face was glowing,
Your shlichus vibrant
And full of action,
Your smile contagious
And your energy, everlasting.
I got to know you,
Throughout the kinus.
You gave me so much strength
To keep moving on
With my own shlichus.
You inspired me,
“Don’t just keep on going,
Despite the challenges,
But use the challenges,
As a ladder to climb,
Above and beyond,
Any preconceived limits."
You were there,
Every time I turned around,
I saw you,
Rivky, I saw you.
Rivky, I saw you,
In each and every one
Of our sisters, the shluchos.
I saw your energy,
Reflected in the passion
They have for their shlichus.
I saw your joy,
Reflected in the happiness
They enthuse in all they do.
I saw, in them, your ability
To move forward
Not just despite our pain,
But using our intense pain
As a ladder to climb,
Above and beyond,
Any preconceived limits.
I never met you before,
But this year, at the kinus,
I saw you.
For on every shlucha’s face,
I saw a reflection of you.
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