Welcome to my blog.....

So, I made a blog, (finally). I titled it Ashrainu, (notice the unique spelling) as this is a place where my continuous rambling will help me realize just how fortunate I am. Ashrainu as you'll see in my subtitle also stands for As She Helps Reach Another Individual, Now Uplifted. Being that my life is (mostly) all about shlichus, (I'm on a mission spreading the message of making this world a place of Holiness/G-dliness) this blog is really as I help reach another. Who's uplifted? you might ask, well, we all are... because when one person helps another, the entire world becomes a better place, but mostly I was referring to myself, because I get no greater spiritual charge than when I have helped someone else. Ashrainu, How fortunate, lucky, blessed, thankful, grateful, privileged I am to have life, to be a Jew, to be a Chossid, to be a Shlucha... to be me!

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