Am I Good Enough?

I’m not good enough
Or am I?
Always striving to be better
So I am never satisfied
I’m not good enough

I’m not good enough?
You just won’t accept
My imperfections
No matter how hard I tried
I’m not good enough

I’m not good enough
I will make mistakes
Even though, all I want
Is to do what’s right
I’m not good enough

I’m not good enough
You always want
Something more
Why do we have to fight?
I’m not good enough

I’m not good enough
The voices of others
Echo inside of me
Say I can’t get past this hill
I’m not good enough

I’m not good enough
If I never learn
To accept myself
For if I don’t, who will?
I’m not good enough

Am I good enough?
No I’m not
Simply because I think
I’m not good enough.

I am good enough
Yes I am.
Always striving, I am better
Since I am never satisfied
I am good enough

I am good enough
If I just accept
My imperfection
Knowing how hard I tried
I am good enough

I am good enough
My mistakes will make
Me learn what I truly want
So I can choose what’s right
I am good enough

I am good enough
I always want
To be better,
And I don’t like to fight
I am good enough

I am good enough
I will find others
Who see inside of me
And help me climb this hill
I am good enough

I am good enough
Because I have learned
To accept myself
Now, I know that you will
I am good enough

Am I good enough?
Yes I am,
Simply because I think
I am good enough.


Auriel said...

Yes Dear Pesha...
You were good enough, you were so sweet, so cheerful, so gentle, so beautiful, so frail and so courageous. I admired your faith in G-d, I was so respectful of knwowing your doubts,of your questioning. Dear Pesha , to me, you personified the cleanness of the water, the sparkle of the diamond. To day, many parents, many fiends are weeping as I do, may you stand near Hachem, in the Gan Eden for Eternity.

Dovid said...

Hashem yerachem!

Anonymous said...

Yes, you were good enough. You were too good for us...

Anonymous said...

I read and cry!!!!!!!!!!!
cry and read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

in pain said...

Please ask Hashem to send Moshiach now.....

Touched said...

i want to see these poems published in a book. They are too amazing. They can turn peoples lives around. Shes almost comforting us for her own tradgedy. I am so moved.

Anonymous said...

i am pained and moved beyond words....

boruch duby lieder said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chana K said...

Pesha. I've been in shock and incoherent since I heard the tragic news. Hashem Yerachem!
It's still processing; I still can't believe my friend died. I don't know if you check facebook from shamayim, but know that I miss you and that you have impacted my life forever.
You are my age, with a whole life ahead of you. How ...could this happen?? I'll never see you until Techiyas Hamaisim?? Moshiach now!!
Pesha, you personified the Tanya's ideals of constantly bettering yourself and refining your middos. I admire that and hope to do something meaningful to perpetuate your memory. May you have a complete aliyah!

Unknown said...

you didnt have the chance to tell me on facebook or on the phone: "you saw my new poem? here, read it.." and put the whole poem on the chat so i could read it on the spot.. you will never ask me to read your new poem again! i will miss you! it hurts to think that you will never show up on the facebook chat again!! it feels like a bad dream that will end up good.. will we talk again soon? will moshiach come soon?

Unknown said...

I miss you Pesha, and I love you!
You were a very special person, with more ahavas yisrael than anybody else I know. I miss your optimism! You have really made a difference in my life, and I am so sad about what happened!
I hope that you have found peace, and I pray that we will meet again one day.

Anonymous said...

apparently she does read it, because she removed one of the posts

Anonymous said...

Deleted by author means that the one that wrote the comment deleted it ... Don't be korny on this site please

R L said...

Pesha Leah
May your soul soar ever higher, I'm sure you're right next to the Kisei HaKavod. Even though you weren't a close friend of mine, you have impacted me. We yearn to be with you again, yet even while you remain entirely spiritual right now, you affect us all down here tremendously, for the good. May we be reunited with you, and the Rebbe, Mashiach Tzidkeinu right now!!!! IY"H

Suri said...

Pesha-You were more than good enough. You were too good for this world. I hope you have all the answers that you were looking for now that you are in the Olam HaEmes. Please daven for all of us that you left behind. Ask Hashem to bring the Geulah so we can all have answers too.

Yehoishophot Oliver said...

Boruch Dayan emes! May we be reunited with Pesha Leah and all our lost ones with techiyas hameisim now!

May I draw the readers' attention to a relevant post of mine here.

Anonymous said...

We love you, Pesha Leah - and always will!!

Gone.. but NEVER forgotten ...

From your SO many friends and admirers that got to know you, sadly, after you passed on to the World of truth...

pesha's younger (baby) brother menachem said...

Pesha... Its alredy been a year????It can't be! I miss u sooooo much I need u as I'm typing this if crying 4 moshiach with my frinds at a farbraingen in ur memory as u always told me "GENUG SHOIN!! ENOUGH ALREDY!!!" Its enough alredy pesha we need u bak 2nite now
Love, ur baby brother menachem

Anonymous said...

Such beautiful comments. You were taken from us at such a young age. You should have been able to share with us. Simchas and Yomim Tovim. Instead you are looking down on us from shamyim. We miss you terribly and are waiting for your return with the coming of Moshach now!