Am I Good Enough?
Or am I?
Always striving to be better
So I am never satisfied
I’m not good enough
I’m not good enough?
You just won’t accept
My imperfections
No matter how hard I tried
I’m not good enough
I’m not good enough
I will make mistakes
Even though, all I want
Is to do what’s right
I’m not good enough
I’m not good enough
You always want
Something more
Why do we have to fight?
I’m not good enough
I’m not good enough
The voices of others
Echo inside of me
Say I can’t get past this hill
I’m not good enough
I’m not good enough
If I never learn
To accept myself
For if I don’t, who will?
I’m not good enough
Am I good enough?
No I’m not
Simply because I think
I’m not good enough.
I am good enough
Yes I am.
Always striving, I am better
Since I am never satisfied
I am good enough
I am good enough
If I just accept
My imperfection
Knowing how hard I tried
I am good enough
I am good enough
My mistakes will make
Me learn what I truly want
So I can choose what’s right
I am good enough
I am good enough
I always want
To be better,
And I don’t like to fight
I am good enough
I am good enough
I will find others
Who see inside of me
And help me climb this hill
I am good enough
I am good enough
Because I have learned
To accept myself
Now, I know that you will
I am good enough
Am I good enough?
Yes I am,
Simply because I think
I am good enough.
Isn't your cup full?

Isn't Your cup full?
How many more tears must we shed?
Isn't it hard enough?
Isn't it time for this darkness to end?
You watch our struggles,
I know that You feel all of our pain.
But we still move on,
Asking, are the losses worth the gain?
Well, isn't Your cup full?
How many more tears do we need to cry?
Every test hurts,
And we ask You, please tell us, WHY?
Is there a reason?
Oh, when will You reveal Your plan?
It hurts so much,
Yet deep down, I know You understand.
But, isn't Your cup full?
Don't you think we've cried enough?
Please, tell me?
Does it really have to be this tough?
Haven't we gone through
So many trials throughout the ages?
In my history book,
Our blood splattered throughout the pages.
Now, isn't Your cup full?
It must be overflowing with tears,
All the suffering,
Of Your Nation through the years.
The Darkness
It feels so thick we're almost frozen
And I cry out,
G-d, Is this what You call Chosen?
Oh, isn't Your cup full?
Haven't our tears flooded Your throne?
It's enough!
Please, we can't continue on alone.
Yes, Your cup is full,
And we need You to come home...
Your cup is finally full,
We just need You to bring us home.

Standing at the the fork in the road
I'm so unsure of which way to go
Mixed messages my head and heart are sending
And I dont know where the roads are bending
It bounces around my head
Tears my heart into shreds
My stomach feels like lead
Tossing and turning in my bed
Oh, to turn right, or do I need to go left?
How do I understand which way is correct?
I just want to be sure before I go
That's why, I'm still stuck at the crossroad
It bounces around my head
Tears my heart into shreds
My stomach feels like lead
And all those tears that I've shed
I know that I must look before I cross
I want to move on, but at what cost?
I try to sort it out, and I get lost
My head, my heart - which do I trust?
It bounces around my head
Tears my heart into shreds
My stomach feels like lead
I want to live my life without regret
I know I have to make my move
But I don't which path to choose
It's hard, when I have so much to lose
Oh, how I wish I wasn't so confused
It bounces around my head
Tears my heart into shreds
My stomach feels like lead
Only G-d knows what lies ahead
I must take his hand, follow his lead,
But I don't know where He's taking me.
I feel like I am blind and can not see,
But for an easy life, there's no guarantee.
It bounces around my head
Tears my heart into shreds
My stomach feels like lead
Will it all work out in the end?
On which path will I tread?
So much remains unsaid.
No, I will choose instead
My Conclusion:
Expect good, with arms widespread!
Dear Child,
I can only hold you, try to keep you out of harm's way.
But I can not protect you, I can only try my best,
I can only pray for you, in G-ds hand I leave the rest.
No, I can not protect you, although you know I'll always care,
Sometimes you will have to learn to face your own fears.
Oh, I cannot always protect you, although I wish I could,
I'll be there to teach you, to look out for your own good.
I can only teach you, how you can remain strong,
So you can differentiate between right and wrong.
Yes, I can only teach you to look before you cross,
And I'll be there to show you how to cope with loss.
I wish I could protect you, but I know I can't
I can only teach you, that you're in G-d's hands.
Oh, I can only teach you to make choices on your own,
Because I won't be there to protect you once you've grown.
Finding the Answers Within Me

I try to find myself in this vast world, I want to figure it out, to know,
Are we here for a deeper purpose, or are we just G-d’s puppet show?
Why does it seem so difficult to know what’s right, what’s wrong?
Tell me is it all planned out, or are we each writing our own song?
I know he gave us a purpose, but how do I explain,
That those who try the hardest, experience the most pain?
It’s so confusing, this reality, it’s so hard to understand,
What does He want from us, I mean, tell me, what’s his plan?
He wants us to be better, He wants good to raise its voice
Yet the forces of negativity, can leave you without… choice?
No, we have choices, but they’re not the ones we think,
G-d plans it all, every test, but we choose to swim or sink,
I gotta choose what’s right, but its so hard to know the way,
Wrong from right, black and white,and so many shades of gray
It won’t always be clear, and its hurts when I really don’t know
I struggle in my choices, not knowing, where am I supposed to go?
I have strengths within me, that I’ve never reached before,
I find that it’s the pain and the struggle which uncover the core.
I want to do everything right, I want to follow his instructions
But I can’t, He made me limited and I can’t attain perfection
And so I have to balance, recognize that I can’t do it all.
But not giving up, not quitting, be humble, yet stand tall.
We don’t have to finish the task, yet we can’t just accept defeat
Thinking, why bother trying, if it’s simply impossible to complete?
It’s not only where we try to go, no, it’s not the destination
It’s the journey and our efforts, that is the purpose of creation
Through our effort, with our choices, He wants us to make space for him.
Inside our lives, in our own worlds, He only asks, reveal the G-dliness within!
Riding the Bike of Life

I ride my bike, but I want to feel the wind in my face,
That’s when I know I gotta work to keep up my pace.
It no easy task, I have to keep on pedaling,
I can not stop and just say that I am settling,
Yea, when I’m riding, I’m trying to keep on going up,
That’s when I know that I can not stop.
It’s the uphill battle, that takes all your strength,
So when its hard, you got to know, it’s not in vain,
You are climbing, going higher and higher still,
It’s that extra effort that will take you uphill!
Riding on my bike,
Riding through my life,
It teaches me,
How life should be.
And when I am just cruising, going fast,
Without the effort, it can’t last.
Because this means the path I’ve taken,
Is pulling me downward with mistakes and
I think it’s easy cuz I don’t have to try,
That’s when I realize, I must open up my eyes.
Because I will I crash and I will fall and get hurt,
Then I must pick myself off from the dirt,
And turn around so that I’m facing the top,
Use my energy, I’ve got to give it all I’ve got!
Riding on my bike,
Riding through my life,
It teaches me,
How life should be.
And through it all, I must remain in control,
I can not lose my balance, or I’ll definitely fall.
I must stay in balance, to keep going on this ride,
I must stay straight, not leaning to one side.
Balance is the key, to keep on going,
Balance, we all need to keep on growing.
If you feel that you are leaning too far ,
You must re-center, find out where you are .
No, don’t lean too strong in any direction
Cuz , you know, the middle path is perfection!
Riding on my bike,
Riding through my life,
Yea now I know,
How I should go…
What happens?

from beneath your feet,
do you stumble and fall?
What happens when all you know
is not the way it was,
do you still stand tall?
What happens when you lose strength
with no strength to keep walking,
will you still crawl?
What happens when you err
by taking a wrong turn,
do you feel small?
What happens when you hear
your inner voice beckons,
do you follow that call?
What happens when challenge
is standing in your way,
do you scale that wall?
What happens when you want
to make everything make sense,
can you fix it all?
What happens when you realize
that you're not in charge,
don't you recall?
Hashem runs this hall.

In those few letters
Hope is how you feel when
You just don’t know how and when
Things will get better
Hope for a tomorrow
That shines brighter than today
Almost blinding you
Hope for a strong future
Dream of the impossible
And it may come true
Don’t let go of that hope
Someone is holding your hand,
Showing you the way
Our father in heaven
Won’t let go, until he knows,
That you’ll be safe
Think of only good things
He always promised us, they will,
Become true somehow.
If you have willpower,
Nothing will stand in your way,
Make it happen now.
Tomorrow will become
The present day we’ll face.
Yes, it won’t be long
Hope is such a small word
Yet holds the complete future
Please, keep going strong.
The power of Esther
Purim comes round, and I always wonder why,
They call it Megillas Esther, and not Mordechai?
They both stood up for what they believed,
And they both asked others to follow their lead.
What makes it Esther’s story more than his?
And what lesson for us, can be found in this?
The Rebbe explains, as woman we have a unique role.
This is emphasizing our extraordinary potential
Just as Esther gave up everything, to save her brothers
Every detail that we do, affects countless others
Therefore, this shalcoh manos is different then the norm,
Because it incorporates Mitzvos which women perform.
Three special Mitzvos, “Hachein” given to utilize our grace,
Which affect not just our families, but the entire Jewish race.
You have the power to make the whole world bright,
Is the message of the flames we kindle Friday night.
Challah teaches, it’s important to supervise what’s taken inside.
Thus, only positive “kosher” nourishment, is what we provide
Taharas Hamishpacha, generates the ultimate in sanctity,
Bringing beauty and Kedusha into the home and family.
These three special mitzvos are like vessels we create.
For brachos of children, sustenance and health to permeate.
This Purim let’s learn from Esther about our unique role,
The incredible strength of women and the essence of our soul.
It’s through our actions that so many brachos come through.
Happy Purim, I wish all the above blessings are bestowed upon you.
(I included 2 tea light holders, a Challah, a make-up product and a mini grape juice)